Jul 8, 2011

Getting Married in Kumanovo, Macedonia

Let me start with a little background information.  I am an American Citizen getting married to a Macedonian citizen in Kumanovo, Macedonia.  I warn who ever reads this, that getting married in this country, is not as easy.  I will explain my journey, as best I can, so that others can learn from my mistakes.

I first came to the Republic of Macedonia, in June 2010, with the expectation of being married within six months.  I understood that my temporary visa was only for 3 months, but was relieved to find out from the Police in Kumanovo, that I was allowed to stay for 6 months without any problem.  Well, that was incorrect information, and upon consulting with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, I soon found out that I had overstayed my temporary visa, thus violating the law, and needed to exit the country immediately or face charges.  I was devastated and upon their advice, my only option was leave the country and wait six months before I returned.  In November 2010, I did that, and returned to the US without a job or place to live, thank God for my family.  I returned to Macedonia in June 2011, only to find out, that I could have come back three months earlier because they changed the law to allow a foreigner to leave the country and return the same day, to reset the three month visa for three additional months. I wasn't surprised. 

Before my return to Macedonia, I did as much research as possible, so that I didn't make anymore mistakes and determined to get married, as soon as possible, upon my arrival, in order to avoid any further issues.  My first step was to review the US Embassy's Website and obtain all of the required documentation.  Let me say this, the US Embassy's website does not contain the most accurate information, and they do not claim that they do.  But I will talk more about that later on.
Documentation Needed:
1. Birth Certificate (issued within the last 6 months);
2. Passport
3. Sworn Statement for free marital status including a statement that no impediments exist to the marriage.
4. Widowed:
Original or certified copy of death certificate of former spouse(s)
5. Divorced: Original final decree or a certified copy. A certified translation of all documents may be required.
6. Minor: A statement executed by a parent or legal guardian and signed by a notary public giving consent in accordance with the laws of the individual state of residence in the U.S., is required.
Source: US Embassy's Website

Regarding the birth certificate, it states not older than 6 months, which I interpreted that to mean I had a total of 6 months, but instead, after 5 total months, less than six, or they will not accept the document.  Oh yeah, and the US Embassy can't help you in obtaining an additional copy, if you lose the original or it expires past the five month mark.

Now let me explain the Sworn Statement for Free Marital Status.  This document is BS.  Macedonia requires that I provide documentation to prove that I am not married and free to marry.  The United States cannot provide any documentation that would show I haven't been married.  But they can accept a payment for $50 and write the following statement,
"The Federal Government of the United States of America does not keep a central records of marriages.  No proof of single status beyond the sworn statement of an individual is available from the US Government sources.  A US citizen can marry anyone he/she wants to, as long as he or she is free to marry (see sworn statement below).
       Before me, xxx-name, Consul of the United States of America at Skopje, Macedonia, duly commissioned and qualified, personally appeared the United States citizen xxx-me, who being duly sworn deposes and says as follows: 
     I, (my name), was born in, (city, state). I am a US citizen and bearer of a US passport, etc.  I have never been married before, and hence am free to marry xxx-name of to be spouse, to whom I am not related by blood or otherwise. And further deponent sayeth not.

I just don't understand how government officials would accept a document that says the US Government does not keep records of marriage.  But because I swore, everything is okay.  Why didn't they just take my word when I made the appointment.  Oh yeah, a stamp and signature is much more official, I'm sorry to have questioned that.

After I obtained the Sworn Statement, I had to have everything translated into Macedonian, and have it Notarized.  Easy enough, we found a place and dropped it off at 10 am, it was completed by 3 pm for a cost of 1,200 DEN.  ($25)

So that was pretty much my US Citizen part, or so I thought, until the appointment with the Inspector for Marriage.  Yeah, my marriage must be approved by the Inspector for Marriage before a civil ceremony can be scheduled.  Which by the way, is the only legally accepted form of marriage.  If you get married in a Church, the government doesn't recognize your marriage, so you have to have a second wedding or in my case a third because of different religions, but I don't want to get into that. And I don't intend on a third, two is complicated enough.

First, we had to go the Ministry of Marriage to make sure we have all the required documentation.  But before we could go there, we had to obtain a post card sized document, called a "carton", and go to the Post Office.  I know this sounds strange, but, we had to go to the Post Office and pay for the Administration charges for processing wedding paperwork.  While there we found a nice retired gentleman, who enjoys spending his days hanging out at the Post Office, waiting to help people fill out forms.  No, I'm just kidding, he does it for money and yes we paid him 50 DEN because me and my fiance are lazy and I don't know what the heck that form was asking, I barely speak Macedonian, reading is an even larger obstacle.  But the nice gentleman did know how to fill in the form, and in 15 minutes, we were ready to pay for whatever that document requested, for the marriage. Which turned out to be, 280 DEN for the wedding documentation to be placed in a folded envelope with our names nicely typed on the front of it.  Specifically, 65 DEN for the folder and 215 DEN for the administration fee for someone to manually write our names, where we were born, and schooling on a form, called "Statistical Sheet for Marriage".  Then place it, along with all the other documents in the folder, and manually type the same information.

At this point, we believed to be ready for the Inspector for Marriage, or so we thought.  We went to his office only to find out that he only works on Friday.  We were very disappointed because it was only Tuesday.  But we made an appointment for Friday at 9:30 am, today's date, and were very hopeful.  Before we left the office, a gentlemen that worked in the Inspector's Office office warned us that the Inspector may request documentation to prove that I do not have any Criminal charges pending against me.  We were caught off guard by that one.  This was not listed on the US Embassy's Website.  How could I possibly prove that??  We left the office, returned home, and I researched any way to obtain a Criminal Record, in the event that me may request it.  I did discover that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) can provide your FBI Identification Record, which contains: fingerprint submissions retained by the FBI in connection with arrests. In some instances, it also includes information taken from fingerprints submitted in connection with federal employment, naturalization, or military service. The identification record includes the name of the agency or institution that submitted the fingerprints to the FBI. For criminal offenses, the identification record includes the date of arrest or the date the individual was received by the agency submitting the fingerprints, the arrest charge(s), and the arrest disposition(s) if known. 

However, it could likely take several months to get this information and my birth certificate would surely be expired by that time, and I would have to come back to the US to get a new one.  So, I was hoping he wouldn't ask for this.

The day of the appointment, today at 9:30 am, we arrived promptly on time, only to discover that the Inspector did not show up for work today. His colleague did us the favor of calling him and determined that he was in Skopje, and relayed the message that he would be back to Kumanovo at 1:30 PM and we could return to the office at that time.  As instructed, we left and returned at 1:30, but the Inspector still wasn't there.  For someone to work only one day a week, and not even show up on that day, I have to say is pretty disappointing.  But he did show up, eventually, and he looked pretty annoyed that we made him come into work.  He actually kind of looked like an angry Adrian Grenier, a little older and really tight white pants and chess hair showing

Seriously, this is the Inspector for Marriage?? He looked like he was about to go clubbing, not approve my paperwork.  But I thought, he looks cool, maybe he won't give us a hard time. We followed him to his office and without offering us a seat, proceeded to review a pile of passports on his desk.  I have no idea why there were so many passports, but I'm sure it was the result of him not working, but one day a week.  Yeah, I'm still pissed about that one. Then after standing there for a few minutes, looking like a couple of fools, he asked us for our paperwork, we provided it, and in a matter of seconds, told my fiance to obtain the Criminal Record documentation.  He said, "I don't care how you get it, but you will not be allowed to marry without it." "It's not my problem, and leave my office, I have a lot of work." It was over in less than 10 minutes. 

Afterwards, I called the US Embassy, to see if they could provide any form of assistance in this matter.  They said this was the first time ever that a US Citizen was required to provide documentation of criminal records and could not believe this was a new requirement.  In addition, was unable to provide any assistance in obtaining criminal records of any sort either.  Wow!! What a disappointment, the only thing they could do was provide another Sworn Statement that "I" declare that I have no criminal charges.  But, she advised first to ask the Inspector if he would accept that, and if not, get married in a different jurisdiction.  My fiance returned to the Inspector's Office, because they have no telephone number, by which they can be reached, or email, and in person, asked if the Sworn Statement would be acceptable.  He agreed, and I made the appointment for next Monday to obtain another Sworn Statement that I have no pending criminal charges, for an additional $50 fee.

What did I learn? When obtaining the first Sworn statement, ask that they include a statement regarding any criminal charges, to avoid an additional $50 fee.

Total spent so far:
$100 for Sworn Statements
$160 for Passport
$15 Birth certificate
$25 for Translating Documents
$6 Administration Fees
  $306 not including (the church $100, Marriage certificate ???, and reception, maybe at Exclusive Restaurant, Kumanovo???)

Now I have to wait until next Friday in order to see this Dusch bag again and show him the Sworn Statement made by me that I have no criminal charges pending.  What a joke!!!


  1. wow this is amazing insite, i'm glad i came across this as i am planning to wed my love from kumanovo macedonia also and i'm from new zealand ;))) thankyouuu

    1. Hi ...im keen to know how you are getting on with your application to marry because i am also from New Zealand. I am here in Bitola with my boyfriend who is Macedonian. I have only been here 2.5 weeks but have only 90 days i can be here as tourist. We are soon to start looking at best options for me to stay on here...whether it be finding a company here who will employ me ...work permit etc...my boyfriend has his own company but its just newly registered...so may not be able to act as my employer until 1 year has passed...if i cant gain a work permit...this leaves marriage as an option...please can you contact me via my email address ? To give me any information you have gained thus far. I hope that things are going well for you and I look forward to hearing back from you.
      Best regards,

    2. My email address is macushlanz@gmail.com
      Thank you.

  2. Thanks, I'm glad it helped you. Are you planning to be married in Kumanovo?

  3. I am glad i read this too. I am marrying an US citizen as well this summer in Macedonia, but i am from Skopje. We are thinking about getting married maybe in Ohrid so i guess with reading this we won't have to do the same mistakes. Thanks for writing this and helping us to better understand this wedding procedure.

  4. Ahhhh the inspector - I got to meet him myself! After spending a sh*t load of money - not to mention the heart ache - on translating documents and getting them notorised, I was told that we could not get registered as I didn't have a police record for them. So we went to the Australian consulate in Skopje and they told me that the police report is not a requirement to get married in Macedonia - try telling that to the people in Kumanovo. I'm back in Australia now... heading back to Macedonia soon - hopefully they'll accept the paperwork I have.. otherwise I'll go to Skopje - OR ANYWHERE - other than Kumanovo, to get registered!

  5. I got married in Skopje. It was much easier...Good luck :)Took us two days! But have everything in order first, do your research.

    1. What is the documents needed if I'm a Filipino to marry a Macedonian?

    2. What is the documents needed if I'm a Filipino to marry a Macedonian?

    3. ANyone from Philippines ever been to Macedonia

  6. Wow, thanks a lot for the useful information. I am also a non-Macedonian planning to get married to a Macedonian citizen. We both live in Japan now and am kinda puzzled with all the procedures and changing laws in Macedonia.

    I've got a question if you don't mind, could you get the Macedonian citizenship right after your wedding? How does that work? I did some researches on the net and unofficial websites say that I would need to reside in Macedonia for at least a year or wait for 8 years of marriage because we live abroad... Any information about that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    1. I'm sorry to say this ,to get Macedonian citizenship even if you are married to Macedonian citizen u will have to wait 8 years living in Macedonia without leaving, but in the mean time u have to be clean on criminal record (i think that even a parking ticket that went to court would be a problem).
      Not 100% sure but you can check on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
      I was asking this because i wanted to marry my ex-girlfriend before she decided that she is young to get married and leave me.

    2. Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I was able to get "Temporary Citizenship" like a green card right after the wedding. It was a slightly more difficult procedure than the wedding, but we had an inside source (friend of my mother in law) that helped speed it up for us. That ID allowed me to stay in the country as long as it took to become a citizen. However, I had to return it when I came back to the US. If I decide to go back to Macedonia I will need to start the process all over again.

  7. hi

    I am planing to get married with an american citizen in Macedonia,(I am macedonian girl) we will get married here in macedonia, after marriage how long we should stay here so I can get all the papers and go with him in US without visa????
    thank you !!

    1. If you don't have a US Visa already, the procedure will take several months. You need to go to the US Embassy in Skopje, and start the procedure for obtaining an "Immigrant Visa". However, if you already have any other US Visa, ie. temporary visitor visa, like a B1/B2 you can enter the US with that, then file for Permanent Residency upon entry in the US. That's what we did for my husband. You have to fill out a ton of paperwork for a Green Card, fyi. But remember your husband will not be allowed to stay in Macedonia for longer than 3 months without filing for temporary residence in Macedonia. Hope that helps!

  8. Hello, i was wondering if you can email because im about to go through the same situation. Please i need someone like you to help me out and make sure what i need and whatnot. Email: npkwaszko22@yahoo.com

  9. Yeah we did all this, never though to post it, in 1986. Though everything was though Belgrade, which made it more difficult.
    Don't ever try becoming a Macedonian Citizen. Married 27 years in October. The first time they lost my documents, had to start over. Started over last year 2012. So here I am in 2013 and yes someone is on vacation. It just so happens that, that person is the only one who could sign.
    Probably easier to get a green card for a cow. And what does Macedonia have to offer me...Nothing!

    1. "Green card for a cow" Love it!!! Macedonians are always on vacation. But officially, most of them take their two or three weeks holiday during July/August.

  10. So glad i find this link, i have same issue, me and my boyfriend want to get marry soon, im from macedonia and he is from us , i have already B1/B2 tourist visa valid for year and now we wondering where is better to get marry here of in us , and if we go to marry in us is there going to be any issues because im on a touriat visa there . Please please please any advice

  11. Good to find this page. I will like to know what type of color was the card given to you after marriage pleas?

  12. Hi i am an irish and uk passport holder and i am planning on getting married next month in msceadonia and was wondering wot documents i need and after the wedding can my self and new wife traval home to the u k or Ireland without a visa ?

  13. DR OBODO LOVE SPELL FORUMMay 14, 2016 at 2:24 PM

    Been back together with my bloke now for 6 months, all down to the work Dr Obodo did for me, he was a stubbon devil, and it took a while, but he came back to me, I even got roses last valentines day, totally unheard of before the spell work!! Many, many thanks Doc here doc info: {(templeofanswer@hotmail.co.uk) (cell: +2348155425481) }...

  14. Hi everyone, I’m a uk citizen marrying in Kriva palanka very soon!!! I have my ACRO police record that proves I have no criminal conviction or any pending but I am being asked for a similar paper to go with it from the police aswell that even my police tell me there’s nothing else they can give me but without this mystery of a paper we cannot get married :( .... could anyone please help? Xx

  15. You need police clearance that you are not currently under investigation and proof that you don't have criminal record which I assume is your ACRO police record. If you don't have the other document just go with ACRO or ask in police if they can give you written statement that they don't issue such document or that everything is included in the ACRO certificate.

    Tell them that ACRO includes everything, but I think you will be asked to give prove (any written statement from the police) that they don't issue that document.

    Ask in Macedonian Internal Affairs, for sure

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